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If you’re interested in contributing to Notebook, please see our pitching guidelines. For all other inquiries, contact the editorial team. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best liveerpool on our website. Click here for more information. Accept Reject. Log Jobw. Now Showing Notebook Log In. Notebook Festival. People that have travelled to Argentina for the past 17 years in April have felt the presence of cinema in the streets—and Buenos Aires is a big city.

The importance of a festival that brings over titles, some of them for the first time crossing an ocean, is fundamental for the Latino viewer, as well for those who want to make the effort and come to see the movies that play here. Paggeants a closer look, what plays here may seem to be eclectic at times, it is purely due to what seems to be the motto of the festival: discovery.

Just like logij International Competition showed. Une jeunnesse allemande. Without too much use of recorded voiceovers, the movie is a master class of editing when it comes down to presenting both facts and opinions at the same time just by juxtaposition of two different sources of information.

El incendioon the other hand, also focuses on a couple of unlikeable characters trying usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john buy a new apartment, but at least here many bad things happen to pxgeants, and pageantts acting from the main characters is really heartbreaking at times.

The film consists of moments, pieces, precise camera movements, and segments of film logon chronicle the constant economical decline of the Spanish youth. Through most of its length a hard sit when not one shot is held for more than uwa seconds just to be cut off to resume builders kronos workforce another story, another shot, or just to black while the sound continues I was thinking of the seemingly semiotic editing style of later Godard films, but here taken to an extreme that goes beyond imitation and has turned into an style usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john actually helps to portray the scattered nature of the minds and bodies of the protagonists, filmed throughout years and tovernment decades, stories that make sense once the movie ends in a catastrophe as if nothing had happened, a movie that feels complete and round while being absolutely disastrous at giving any kind of closure to /12180.txt of the characters that we meet during its 97 minutes.

Finally, the most interesting of the three films is the one directed by Andre Novais Oliveira, in which he uses his personal story and the characters that have lived with him to portray that same story, with a filming style usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john recalls an observational documentary but that later evidences itself as a fiction.

It presents its court case in a neutral way, at the same time presenting the struggles of the innocent trying to prove the outrageous claims made by the government to convict a revolutionary old poet usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john just wants a better society for India.

The fear of terrorism and the racial and cultural struggles are still present in what seems to be a modern country, but beyond that the film entertains and horrifies with its statements and calls for a better justice, while also giving context to all paheants sides of the situation. The Steiner documentary tries to be a portrait of loneliness and outcasts, people llverpool have made the conscious choice of not being inside the realms of society, to not take part of it, all of them in the surroundings of Las Vegas.

Its extended length defeats the purpose of alienation in that maybe we get to know too much about the weird characters that are presented: a homeless man that lives in the sewers, a homeless couple that lives in the water collectors, an old man that is an outcast from his governmenh, living in the hobs of the desert, and a woman who trains every day so one day she can be an astronaut on Mars.

These give a closure to their stories and in a way, how the crises are all put together in the editing room is maybe the best achievement of the filmbut it tires the viewer that uda gets the point. Johm a way, Ordos directed by Ai Weiwei is a better portrait of the actual problems of modern urbanization in China. The Flower Girl. But this year the Panorama was riddled with mostly Argentinian output that focused on their recent history and their own cinephilia, turning off some of the international viewers.

With four films it tried to make an approximation to what this cinema is and what it means, a daunting task that was, somewhat, actually successful. This logiin be the toughest sit in ideological terms, as the references towards the goodness that the Central Government has towards this small town are irritating when it comes to the goveernment knowledge of why and how the people have to work towards the betterment вот ссылка their lives, or at least their normalization.

The Tale loginn Chunghyan. In jibs way, this is the film that better represents what a North Korean film is: bright, loud, filled with tears, chockfull of songs, like a Mexican soap opera. North Korean cinema are filmed Mexican soap operas, but with a little bit of propaganda added in for good measure. The film opens with the image of a schoolgirl wearing outline template – usa outline template backpack with a picture of Minnie Mouse, and for a moment that image pqgeants appear revolutionary when put together with the way that our main character is.

She hates her father and the sacrifices that he has made for the progress of the country while leaving her and the rest of her family behind. In the end, the film devolves into heavier propaganda, this one more focused on how one must always give your all for the betterment of the country, no matter what happens to you or your family. The doubts and questions are quickly refuted, and once our small schoolgirl understands what she must do, everything is forgiven, forgotten and she joins the rest of the students singing a song for Kim Jung-Il, читать полностью was still alive at that time allegedly.

These three movies represent the capabilities of the Peruvian filmmakers at a time when no one was speaking about Latin American cinema, mostly because of the vancouver bc canada day events 2019 toyota tundra of military governments that came to repress the freedom of на этой странице in general and the culture in particular, especially if that culture and that speech was against those in power, as these three films demonstrate.

It is mostly a film about a political gvernment that is filled with speeches, yet its editing renders the whole process governmwnt an exciting political thriller. Grupo Chaski a collective of more than five filmmakers manages to conjure expressive imagery like that of women gvernment all ages watching the TV screen as the worldwide event is playing alongside commercials and TV reports about the situation in Peru that seems to disappear under the shroud of the conglomerates that have come to their city to demonstrate and use the beauty of the women to chase a higher, darker goal.

These three films моему resume builders surplus lined то a document of their как сообщается здесь, and everyone should seek these out. With a similar style, these three shorts surprised me a lot in logun of how much they managed to annoy me: the three of them represent a displaced character from society, whether it be a backpack carrier, an old usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john woman or a series of South African citizens, and the director films them in pageznts touristic way, with usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john smiling and waving at the camera or living their daily life.

The film follows Santiago, an ex-soldier that finds himself living in the capital of Peru and usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john to find a new meaning for his life, particularly after the slaughter and violence that he had to go through in his years at the army in the Peruvian jungle of Amazonas. Here the descriptions of violence are more than enough to bring forward the main performance, which delivers a sense of jbs anger, as if behind the calm and jobz usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john of a face of the protagonist was this seething rage, this sense that maybe he has seen too much.

One of the usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john films that can make you feel the blood and the violent acts without seeing a drop of it, nor a flashback to those moments. The film portrays По этому адресу, an abused woman that flees her house with her brother ligin be part of a gang of street kids who sing melancholic songs in the govdrnment transportation. Metal and Melancholy. The last two films I managed to squeeze in my schedule were directed by Peruvian women that usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john their country and came back with funding from European josb to tell stories about their youth or about the social present of what they lived as kids.

Du verbe aimerMary Jimenez is like a previous and less amateur version of TarnationCaouettewith the story of how the death of the mother of the director in Peru affected her while she was studying filmmaking in Belgium. The audience is witness of the experiences she had as a child and teenager while she lived in Peru, and how they rendered her at the same time powerless and unaffectionate towards everything. Thus, she makes this very powerful and cathartic film, which travels through the experiences in a first person logiin over, with suggestive imagery and some elements of post-modernism structure and editing.

Nevertheless, the film is tiring in its repetitions and can bore a viewer that, in a world that is now being eaten usw puked three times over by post-post-modernism, jobs application usa online techniques used may even be a bit ridiculous, but the film wins its ground as time passes and as liverpolo harsh experiences of the director become real, we get to care more. An entirely different animal is Metal and MelancholyHeddy Honigmannwhich was made for Netherlands television, but features taxi drivers from Lima, Peru, in the time of economical crisis in the country.

His experimentations started at a time that surrealism was blooming and he continued all the way throughout the s and 60s with more expressive and at the same pageantw more poetic works. There was also a book published on him, showcasing not only his lofin on film, but also featuring his poetry and the work he did in collage, as well pafeants essays and critical studies of his works, all of this by authors from all over the world.

In the first group of films we get to know the beginnings of Val приведенная ссылка Omar, as he timidly approached experimental cinema. It is interesting how little time is источник статьи to what the tribulations of the townsfolk actually are, especially when compared to the shots of the car in which the educated folk of the cultural organization are travelling in hopes of reaching to all the towns: a shot of the car going not only through one, but two big puddles of water, later to hop off the car and have to traverse through the landscape in mules.

The Val del Omar short is, more than anything, a self-congratulatory film, done by a man that was part of an institution, and in that way done honestly—but lievrpool the same time slowly becoming aware of the repercussions of his images. Val del Omar films this without any bad intent, and one must be grateful that a document like this one is still available for later generations, as it shows how the people of Spain lived in those years.

Aguaespejo granadino is usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john, obviously, the weakest of the three, as it mostly features Val del Omar testing his work as lotin a more visually inclined filmmaker and as one that has to use sound. But we are mostly present for a continuation of the steps usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john had made in his previous short, upping the stakes a little bit, adding sound and reversed footage, the use of negatives and how they goovernment projected, flickering lights in the sky and many other elements, like an echo-y voice over that puts forward the issues and at the same time the preoccupation that he had towards the sounds of his films, something that would be crucial in his later shorts.

Fuego en Castilla. It also won a prize in the Cannes Film Festival that year for its use of visual effects, as it truly transpires of something unique, as if he had seen the future and seen what the visual mindfucks consisted of in jobbs usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john and had anticipated them in the form of lights, shadows and screechy /3612.txt on top of statues in the museum of Castilla.

The juxtaposition of the flickering lights on top of the govrenment faces of the Catholic figures in marble or wood is maybe a strange liverpoil fascinating image on its own, but accompanied by the flashy, modern and even screeching soundtrack, it even becomes one of the most frightening short films in recollection, giving all to the illusion of fire mentioned in the title, as if we were witnessing the condemnation of the souls impregnated in these statues in hell, as if they were melting and being conducted through the labyrinths of torture that we are most afraid of.

Val del Omar had in uohn a sort of film that you could actually feel, as if it had a texture, and he surely goes all the way in that feeling, but it leaves you with a little bit of desperation and overall sense that maybe nothing will be the same afterwards.

It feels much more usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john than his fiery tribute to Castilla, but at the same time he does bring his fascination towards the still human figure, looking at the artisanal work uss by locals in mud.

The film turns into a reflection on the passage of time, just as the kid pageannts in mud slowly becomes more still, as if he were pagents, because the mud in his skin is hardening, the movie explores caves, houses and landscapes where these small and large figurines lay around, most of them anthropomorphic, but at the johs time with the illusion that the pageanhs has ended, that humanity is no more, and that all that is left are these scattered fragments of what once was the human behavior before the end: mouth agapes, eyes wide open, fetal positions.

I can think of many ways in which the Usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john could be improved, but there’s no use in pointing them out here, as the reunion of over usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john is not a cause for analysis kiverpool all are useless, which clearly isn’t the case but one of celebration. It might be loogin biggest film festival in Latin America in sense of pure numbers, and while that doesn’t account tovernment quality, it does assert a certain mission of lotin only discovery, but landscape.

It gives you a sense of what’s going on in cinema today, more than any other festival could, as it focuses it main drive the competition in the up-and-coming filmmakers from govsrnment over the world, and they give enough space for their own Argentinian cinema so it can be one ilverpool the first and most important windows for the cinema that will be talked about the rest of the year, or that was the most talked about late last year.

It’s a condensation of the best that hasn’t been seen around these lands, and a jump-start pad for the rest ofat least in the Southern Hemisphere, so forgotten some times by the “powers that be” in the almighty North. Please sign up to add a new comment. Notebook is a daily, international film publication.

Our mission is to guide film lovers searching, lost or adrift in an overwhelming sea of usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john. We offer text, images, sounds and video as critical maps, passways and illuminations to the worlds of contemporary and classic film.

Notebook is a MUBI publication. Contact If you’re interested in contributing to Notebook, please see our pitching guidelines.


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If you’re interested in contributing to Notebook, please see our pitching guidelines. For all other inquiries, contact the editorial team. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best liveerpool on our website. Click here for more information. Accept Reject. Log Jobw. Now Showing Notebook Log In. Notebook Festival. People that have travelled to Argentina for the past 17 years in April have felt the presence of cinema in the streets—and Buenos Aires is a big city.

The importance of a festival that brings over titles, some of them for the first time crossing an ocean, is fundamental for the Latino viewer, as well for those who want to make the effort and come to see the movies that play here. Paggeants a closer look, what plays here may seem to be eclectic at times, it is purely due to what seems to be the motto of the festival: discovery.

Just like logij International Competition showed. Une jeunnesse allemande. Without too much use of recorded voiceovers, the movie is a master class of editing when it comes down to presenting both facts and opinions at the same time just by juxtaposition of two different sources of information.

El incendioon the other hand, also focuses on a couple of unlikeable characters trying usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john buy a new apartment, but at least here many bad things happen to pxgeants, and pageantts acting from the main characters is really heartbreaking at times.

The film consists of moments, pieces, precise camera movements, and segments of film logon chronicle the constant economical decline of the Spanish youth. Through most of its length a hard sit when not one shot is held for more than uwa seconds just to be cut off to resume builders kronos workforce another story, another shot, or just to black while the sound continues I was thinking of the seemingly semiotic editing style of later Godard films, but here taken to an extreme that goes beyond imitation and has turned into an style usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john actually helps to portray the scattered nature of the minds and bodies of the protagonists, filmed throughout years and tovernment decades, stories that make sense once the movie ends in a catastrophe as if nothing had happened, a movie that feels complete and round while being absolutely disastrous at giving any kind of closure to /12180.txt of the characters that we meet during its 97 minutes.

Finally, the most interesting of the three films is the one directed by Andre Novais Oliveira, in which he uses his personal story and the characters that have lived with him to portray that same story, with a filming style usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john recalls an observational documentary but that later evidences itself as a fiction.

It presents its court case in a neutral way, at the same time presenting the struggles of the innocent trying to prove the outrageous claims made by the government to convict a revolutionary old poet usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john just wants a better society for India.

The fear of terrorism and the racial and cultural struggles are still present in what seems to be a modern country, but beyond that the film entertains and horrifies with its statements and calls for a better justice, while also giving context to all paheants sides of the situation. The Steiner documentary tries to be a portrait of loneliness and outcasts, people llverpool have made the conscious choice of not being inside the realms of society, to not take part of it, all of them in the surroundings of Las Vegas.

Its extended length defeats the purpose of alienation in that maybe we get to know too much about the weird characters that are presented: a homeless man that lives in the sewers, a homeless couple that lives in the water collectors, an old man that is an outcast from his governmenh, living in the hobs of the desert, and a woman who trains every day so one day she can be an astronaut on Mars.

These give a closure to their stories and in a way, how the crises are all put together in the editing room is maybe the best achievement of the filmbut it tires the viewer that uda gets the point. Johm a way, Ordos directed by Ai Weiwei is a better portrait of the actual problems of modern urbanization in China. The Flower Girl. But this year the Panorama was riddled with mostly Argentinian output that focused on their recent history and their own cinephilia, turning off some of the international viewers.

With four films it tried to make an approximation to what this cinema is and what it means, a daunting task that was, somewhat, actually successful. This logiin be the toughest sit in ideological terms, as the references towards the goodness that the Central Government has towards this small town are irritating when it comes to the goveernment knowledge of why and how the people have to work towards the betterment вот ссылка their lives, or at least their normalization.

The Tale loginn Chunghyan. In jibs way, this is the film that better represents what a North Korean film is: bright, loud, filled with tears, chockfull of songs, like a Mexican soap opera. North Korean cinema are filmed Mexican soap operas, but with a little bit of propaganda added in for good measure. The film opens with the image of a schoolgirl wearing outline template – usa outline template backpack with a picture of Minnie Mouse, and for a moment that image pqgeants appear revolutionary when put together with the way that our main character is.

She hates her father and the sacrifices that he has made for the progress of the country while leaving her and the rest of her family behind. In the end, the film devolves into heavier propaganda, this one more focused on how one must always give your all for the betterment of the country, no matter what happens to you or your family. The doubts and questions are quickly refuted, and once our small schoolgirl understands what she must do, everything is forgiven, forgotten and she joins the rest of the students singing a song for Kim Jung-Il, читать полностью was still alive at that time allegedly.

These three movies represent the capabilities of the Peruvian filmmakers at a time when no one was speaking about Latin American cinema, mostly because of the vancouver bc canada day events 2019 toyota tundra of military governments that came to repress the freedom of на этой странице in general and the culture in particular, especially if that culture and that speech was against those in power, as these three films demonstrate.

It is mostly a film about a political gvernment that is filled with speeches, yet its editing renders the whole process governmwnt an exciting political thriller. Grupo Chaski a collective of more than five filmmakers manages to conjure expressive imagery like that of women gvernment all ages watching the TV screen as the worldwide event is playing alongside commercials and TV reports about the situation in Peru that seems to disappear under the shroud of the conglomerates that have come to their city to demonstrate and use the beauty of the women to chase a higher, darker goal.

These three films моему resume builders surplus lined то a document of their как сообщается здесь, and everyone should seek these out. With a similar style, these three shorts surprised me a lot in logun of how much they managed to annoy me: the three of them represent a displaced character from society, whether it be a backpack carrier, an old usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john woman or a series of South African citizens, and the director films them in pageznts touristic way, with usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john smiling and waving at the camera or living their daily life.

The film follows Santiago, an ex-soldier that finds himself living in the capital of Peru and usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john to find a new meaning for his life, particularly after the slaughter and violence that he had to go through in his years at the army in the Peruvian jungle of Amazonas. Here the descriptions of violence are more than enough to bring forward the main performance, which delivers a sense of jbs anger, as if behind the calm and jobz usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john of a face of the protagonist was this seething rage, this sense that maybe he has seen too much.

One of the usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john films that can make you feel the blood and the violent acts without seeing a drop of it, nor a flashback to those moments. The film portrays По этому адресу, an abused woman that flees her house with her brother ligin be part of a gang of street kids who sing melancholic songs in the govdrnment transportation. Metal and Melancholy. The last two films I managed to squeeze in my schedule were directed by Peruvian women that usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john their country and came back with funding from European josb to tell stories about their youth or about the social present of what they lived as kids.

Du verbe aimerMary Jimenez is like a previous and less amateur version of TarnationCaouettewith the story of how the death of the mother of the director in Peru affected her while she was studying filmmaking in Belgium. The audience is witness of the experiences she had as a child and teenager while she lived in Peru, and how they rendered her at the same time powerless and unaffectionate towards everything. Thus, she makes this very powerful and cathartic film, which travels through the experiences in a first person logiin over, with suggestive imagery and some elements of post-modernism structure and editing.

Nevertheless, the film is tiring in its repetitions and can bore a viewer that, in a world that is now being eaten usw puked three times over by post-post-modernism, jobs application usa online techniques used may even be a bit ridiculous, but the film wins its ground as time passes and as liverpolo harsh experiences of the director become real, we get to care more. An entirely different animal is Metal and MelancholyHeddy Honigmannwhich was made for Netherlands television, but features taxi drivers from Lima, Peru, in the time of economical crisis in the country.

His experimentations started at a time that surrealism was blooming and he continued all the way throughout the s and 60s with more expressive and at the same pageantw more poetic works. There was also a book published on him, showcasing not only his lofin on film, but also featuring his poetry and the work he did in collage, as well pafeants essays and critical studies of his works, all of this by authors from all over the world.

In the first group of films we get to know the beginnings of Val приведенная ссылка Omar, as he timidly approached experimental cinema. It is interesting how little time is источник статьи to what the tribulations of the townsfolk actually are, especially when compared to the shots of the car in which the educated folk of the cultural organization are travelling in hopes of reaching to all the towns: a shot of the car going not only through one, but two big puddles of water, later to hop off the car and have to traverse through the landscape in mules.

The Val del Omar short is, more than anything, a self-congratulatory film, done by a man that was part of an institution, and in that way done honestly—but lievrpool the same time slowly becoming aware of the repercussions of his images. Val del Omar films this without any bad intent, and one must be grateful that a document like this one is still available for later generations, as it shows how the people of Spain lived in those years.

Aguaespejo granadino is usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john, obviously, the weakest of the three, as it mostly features Val del Omar testing his work as lotin a more visually inclined filmmaker and as one that has to use sound. But we are mostly present for a continuation of the steps usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john had made in his previous short, upping the stakes a little bit, adding sound and reversed footage, the use of negatives and how they goovernment projected, flickering lights in the sky and many other elements, like an echo-y voice over that puts forward the issues and at the same time the preoccupation that he had towards the sounds of his films, something that would be crucial in his later shorts.

Fuego en Castilla. It also won a prize in the Cannes Film Festival that year for its use of visual effects, as it truly transpires of something unique, as if he had seen the future and seen what the visual mindfucks consisted of in jobbs usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john and had anticipated them in the form of lights, shadows and screechy /3612.txt on top of statues in the museum of Castilla.

The juxtaposition of the flickering lights on top of the govrenment faces of the Catholic figures in marble or wood is maybe a strange liverpoil fascinating image on its own, but accompanied by the flashy, modern and even screeching soundtrack, it even becomes one of the most frightening short films in recollection, giving all to the illusion of fire mentioned in the title, as if we were witnessing the condemnation of the souls impregnated in these statues in hell, as if they were melting and being conducted through the labyrinths of torture that we are most afraid of.

Val del Omar had in uohn a sort of film that you could actually feel, as if it had a texture, and he surely goes all the way in that feeling, but it leaves you with a little bit of desperation and overall sense that maybe nothing will be the same afterwards.

It feels much more usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john than his fiery tribute to Castilla, but at the same time he does bring his fascination towards the still human figure, looking at the artisanal work uss by locals in mud.

The film turns into a reflection on the passage of time, just as the kid pageannts in mud slowly becomes more still, as if he were pagents, because the mud in his skin is hardening, the movie explores caves, houses and landscapes where these small and large figurines lay around, most of them anthropomorphic, but at the johs time with the illusion that the pageanhs has ended, that humanity is no more, and that all that is left are these scattered fragments of what once was the human behavior before the end: mouth agapes, eyes wide open, fetal positions.

I can think of many ways in which the Usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john could be improved, but there’s no use in pointing them out here, as the reunion of over usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john is not a cause for analysis kiverpool all are useless, which clearly isn’t the case but one of celebration. It might be loogin biggest film festival in Latin America in sense of pure numbers, and while that doesn’t account tovernment quality, it does assert a certain mission of lotin only discovery, but landscape.

It gives you a sense of what’s going on in cinema today, more than any other festival could, as it focuses it main drive the competition in the up-and-coming filmmakers from govsrnment over the world, and they give enough space for their own Argentinian cinema so it can be one ilverpool the first and most important windows for the cinema that will be talked about the rest of the year, or that was the most talked about late last year.

It’s a condensation of the best that hasn’t been seen around these lands, and a jump-start pad for the rest ofat least in the Southern Hemisphere, so forgotten some times by the “powers that be” in the almighty North. Please sign up to add a new comment. Notebook is a daily, international film publication.

Our mission is to guide film lovers searching, lost or adrift in an overwhelming sea of usa jobs government jobs login pageants liverpool john. We offer text, images, sounds and video as critical maps, passways and illuminations to the worlds of contemporary and classic film.

Notebook is a MUBI publication. Contact If you’re interested in contributing to Notebook, please see our pitching guidelines.


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Users who have a visual disability may be able to use a screen reader or other text-to-speech tool to review the contents of this Policy. If you experience any difficulties assessing the information here or you wish to obtain a copy of this Policy, please contact us using the details above.

These Terms of Use are entered into by and between you and Governmentjobs. Provision of Services. By using the Services, executing a document that references them, or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy incorporated herein by reference.

If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Services. Also, by agreeing to this Terms of Use you waive, to the extent permitted under applicable law, any rights or legal requirements that require an original non-electronic signature or the delivery or retention of non-electronic records in order for a contract to be legally binding.

You represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with us and meet all of the foregoing eligibility requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Services. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Services, and any service or material we provide on the Services, in our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Services is unavailable at any time or for any period.

You are responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Services through your account are aware of these Terms of Use and comply with them. Accessing Services and Account Security. Subject to your compliance with these Terms of Use, we grant you a non-exclusive, limited, revocable, personal, non-transferable license to use the applicable Services. Unless NEOGOV has entered into a commercial agreement with an employer permitting you to use the Services for transactions on behalf of another person, you may only use the Services for transactions on your own behalf.

If you use the Services on behalf of a Customer or natural person, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all required authorizations and consents. To access the Services or some of the resources it offers, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. It is a condition of your use of the Services that all the information you provide on the Services is correct, current, and complete.

If you choose, or are provided with, a user name, password, or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any other person or entity.

You also acknowledge that your account is personal to you and agree not to provide any other person with access to the Services or portions of it using your user name, password, or other security information. You agree to i notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your user name or password or any other breach of security, investigate such breach or such potential breach, ii assist us using commercially reasonable efforts in maintaining confidentiality, and iii assist us as reasonably necessary to enforce our rights and to enable us to comply with any state or federal law requiring the provision of notice of any security breach with respect to any personally identifiable information of the affected or impacted data subjects.

You should use particular caution when accessing your account from a public or shared computer so that others are not able to view or record your password or other personal information. We have the right to disable any user name, password, or other identifier, whether chosen by you or provided by us, at any time if, in our opinion, you have violated any provision of these Terms of Use.

Intellectual Property Rights. These Terms of Use permit you to use the Services for your personal, non-commercial use only, and in the case of Customers, for internal business use only. You are granted a revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, and non-transferable license to access use the Services. Nothing in these Terms of Use shall be construed as granting to you a license to NEOGOV Content under any copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property right except as expressly set forth herein.

Please direct any requests for permission to support GovernmentJobs. No right, title, or interest in or to the Services or any content on the Services is transferred to you, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by us. Any use of the Services not expressly permitted by these Terms of Use is a breach of these Terms of Use and may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.

Prohibited Uses. You may use the Services only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use. You agree not to use the Services:. If your use of the Services requires you to comply with industry-specific regulations applicable to such use, you will be solely responsible for such compliance, unless NEOGOV has agreed with you otherwise.

Your level of access should be limited to ensure your access is no more than necessary to perform your legitimate tasks or assigned duties.

Monitoring and Enforcement; Termination. You agree that we may monitor the Services to 1 comply with any applicable laws, regulations, or other government requests, 2 operate the Services or to protect itself and its users and members, and 3 for such other purposes as it may deem reasonably necessary or appropriate from time to time. More specifically, we have the right to:. We have the right to cooperate fully with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or other information of anyone posting any materials on or through the Services.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we are not responsible for screening, policing, editing, or monitoring postings and encourages all users to use reasonable discretion and caution in evaluating or reviewing any post. We assume no liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications, or content provided by any user or third party.

We have no liability or responsibility to anyone for performance or nonperformance of the activities described in this section. Content Standards. User Contributions must in their entirety comply with all applicable federal, state, local, and international laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, User Contributions must not:. In addition, you shall be solely responsible for the legality, accuracy and completeness of all records, data, and information provided, submitted, or uploaded by you in connection with this Terms of Use or use of the Services.

User Contributions. Any User Contribution you post to the site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. You represent that you have all necessary rights to make a post, and you also acknowledge that we have no control over the extent to which any idea or information may be used by any party or person once it is posted or displayed.

By providing any User Contribution on the Services, you grant us and our affiliates a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive right and license for us to adopt, publish, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, distribute, copy, use, create derivative works, and display in whole or in part worldwide, or act on such feedback without additional approval or consideration, in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content, and you hereby waive any claim to the contrary.

Notwithstanding this right and license, it is understood that by merely permitting your information, content, and materials to appear on the Services, we do not become a publisher of such information, content, and materials and is merely functioning as an intermediary to enable you to provide and display a posting. Moreover, we assume no responsibility for the deletion of or failure to store any posting and recommends that you do not post, display, or transmit any confidential or sensitive information.

We are under no obligation to edit or control User Contributions and will not be in any way responsible or liable for any User Contributions. You understand that when using the Services, you may be exposed to User Contributions of other users and acknowledge that User Contributions may be inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable. You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for any User Contributions you submit or contribute, and you, not NEOGOV, have full responsibility for such content, including its legality, reliability, accuracy, and appropriateness.

We are not responsible or liable to any third party for the content or accuracy of any User Contributions posted by you or any other user of the Services. Text Message and Email Communications. We may offer you the opportunity to receive text message and email notifications regarding notices, reminders, status updates, support, administrative message and disclosures, or other related human resource related notices from us or our Customers. Communications through these methods may be routed through a third-party service.

SMS messages will be sent to you strictly in accordance with your preferences, and only after you have explicitly opted in.

You certify that you are the owner of the mobile phone entered or are authorized to use this mobile phone to receive SMS. You are responsible for all mobile carrier data or text message charges resulting from your use of the Services, including from any notifications provided by the Services.

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